czwartek, 28 marca 2013

take me down to the paradise city where the sun is blue and girls are pretty

"take me down to the paradise city where the sun is blue and girls are pretty"
 makes sens. blue means that solar system is very young so everything is new, cool, fresh, mint, and can be pretty, like girls for example. Why girls ?  because that word match to the rhyme, but still.. match to this claim, because everything can be beautifful, so girls can be either. Unintentionally this have double meaning but there is no bad which would not leave on good.. :E I suppose that I should express that expression different. Lets try again. There is no such bad which would not end up being good ? No.. still dont ring a bell. Again. There is no bad which would not result as good ? Hmm I think now it have hands and legs... or should I choose.. Now is correct.
That is just data stream.. amazing. absoluttly amazing. That, this kind of information can be saw, as hidden chart behind the letters and still making sens. You can connect to everything cause everything is just illuision, matter, build by vibration in space and even subspace, cause it have to know what to do. It have to drain information from somewhere and that information is god. observed by this unefficient eyes which can't even see light below 360nm. You have to relese your burden.. when candle is buring it means that meal was cooked long time ago.. mkey.. Amazing there are other dimmensons around us You have the abbility to sens it, and drain information from the neuro collective of subconsciousness. Do you understand what this means ? Tea who you yeah bunny..Who saw the face of god also saw madness.

Kotlet mielony.. wcinam jak szalony. Kotlet mielony w moje oczy zapatrzony.. Kotlet mielony, poleruje antyrefleksyjna powłokę nietoperza....  :Tigh laugh: 

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